string $username,
string $password,
int $port,
?string $force_charset,
?string $force_collation,
string $prefix
) {
$this->_force_charset = $force_charset;
$this->_force_collation = $force_collation;
$this->_prefix = $prefix;
$connection_string = 'mysql:host=' . $host . ';port=' . $port . ';dbname=' . $database;
if ($force_charset) {
$connection_string .= ';charset=' . $force_charset;
$this->_pdo = new PDO(
$this->_query_recorder = QueryRecorder::getInstance();
public static function getCustomInstance(
string $host,
string $database,
string $username,
string $password,
int $port = 3306,
?string $force_charset = null,
?string $force_collation = null,
string $prefix = 'nl2_'
): DB {
return new DB(
$this->_query_recorder = QueryRecorder::getInstance();
public static function getCustomInstance(
string $host,
string $database,
string $username,
string $password,
int $port = 3306,
?string $force_charset = null,
?string $force_collation = null,
string $prefix = 'nl2_'
): DB {
return new DB(
public static function getInstance(): DB {
if (self::$_instance) {
return self::$_instance;
if (Config::get('mysql.initialise_charset')) {
$force_charset = Config::get('mysql.charset') ?: 'utf8mb4';
} else {
$force_charset = null;
if (Config::get('mysql.initialise_charset')) {
$force_charset = Config::get('mysql.charset') ?: 'utf8mb4';
} else {
$force_charset = null;
if (Config::get('mysql.initialise_collation')) {
$force_collation = Config::get('mysql.collation') ?: 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
} else {
$force_collation = null;
return self::$_instance = self::getCustomInstance(
* Get the underlying PDO instance.
* @return PDO The PDO instance.
public function getPDO(): PDO {
return $this->_pdo;
* Begin a MySQL transaction
public function beginTransaction(): void {
* Checks the number of existing migration files compared to executed migrations in the database.
* Alternatively we could check the output of a Phinx command, but that takes ~8x as long to execute.
* @throws RuntimeException If these numbers don't match.
public static function ensureUpToDate(): void {
$migration_files = array_map(
static function ($file_name) {
[$version, $migration_name] = explode('_', $file_name, 2);
$migration_name = str_replace(['.php', '_'], '', ucwords($migration_name, '_'));
return $version . '_' . $migration_name;
array_filter(scandir(__DIR__ . '/../../migrations'), static function ($file_name) {
// Pattern that matches Phinx migration file names (eg: 20230403000000_create_stroopwafel_table.php)
return preg_match('/^\d{14}_\w+\.php$/', $file_name);
$migration_database_entries = array_map(static function ($row) {
return $row->version . '_' . $row->migration_name;
}, DB::getInstance()->query('SELECT version, migration_name FROM nl2_phinxlog')->results());
$missing = array_diff($migration_files, $migration_database_entries);
$extra = array_diff($migration_database_entries, $migration_files);
// Likely a pull from the repo dev branch or migrations
// weren't run during an upgrade script.
if (($missing_count = count($missing)) > 0) {
echo "There are $missing_count migrations files which have not been executed:" . '<br>';
foreach ($missing as $missing_migration) {
echo " - $missing_migration" . '<br>';
// Something went wonky, either they've deleted migration files,
// or they've added stuff to the nl2_phinxlog table.
if (($extra_count = count($extra)) > 0) {
if ($missing_count > 0) {
echo '<br>';
echo "There are $extra_count executed migrations which do not have migration files associated:" . '<br>';
if (Config::get('core.force_www')) {
define('FORCE_WWW', true);
$host = HttpUtils::getHeader('Host');
// Only check force HTTPS and force www. when Host header is set
// These options don't make sense when making requests to IP addresses anyway
if ($host !== null) {
if (defined('FORCE_SSL') && HttpUtils::getProtocol() === 'http') {
if (defined('FORCE_WWW') && !str_contains($host, 'www.')) {
Redirect::to('https://www.' . $host . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
} else {
Redirect::to('https://' . $host . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
} else if (defined('FORCE_WWW') && !str_contains($host, 'www.')) {
Redirect::to(HttpUtils::getProtocol() . '://www.' . $host . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
// Ensure database is up-to-date
// Error reporting
if (!defined('DEBUGGING')) {
if (Util::getSetting('error_reporting') === '1') {
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
define('DEBUGGING', 1);
} else {
// Disable by default
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
/** @var Smarty $smarty */
$smarty = $container->get('Smarty');
if ((defined('DEBUGGING') && DEBUGGING) && class_exists('DebugBar\DebugBar')) {
define('PHPDEBUGBAR', true);
if (!ini_get('upload_tmp_dir')) {
$tmp_dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
} else {
$tmp_dir = ini_get('upload_tmp_dir');
if (HttpUtils::getProtocol() === 'https') {
ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 'On');
ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', 1);
ini_set('open_basedir', ROOT_PATH . PATH_SEPARATOR . $tmp_dir . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/proc/stat');
// Get the directory the user is trying to access
$directory = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$directories = explode('/', $directory);
$lim = count($directories);
// Start initialising the page
require(ROOT_PATH . '/core/init.php');
// Get page to load from URL
if (!isset($_GET['route']) || $_GET['route'] == '/') {
if (((!isset($_GET['route']) || ($_GET['route'] != '/')) && count($directories) > 1)) {
require(ROOT_PATH . '/404.php');
} else {
// Homepage
require(ROOT_PATH . '/modules/Core/pages/index.php');
$route = rtrim(strtok($_GET['route'], '?'), '/');
$all_pages = $pages->returnPages();
if (array_key_exists($route, $all_pages)) {
if (isset($all_pages[$route]['custom'])) {